نوشته شده توسط : anufignsac

We have made progress in improving the laws th-at distinguish these acts and others as ones of violence and invasion of human rights.And in the US, urban police officers trained to recognise the warning signs of intimate partner violence, are making some progress in reducing the numbers of murdered women. When more than 70 world leaders took the podium in New York at the Global Leaders’ Meeti-ng on Gender Equality and Women’s Empower-ment on September 27, 2015, the majority named ending violence against women and girls as a priority for action. We bel-ieve that through concerted action by everyone in-volved, from governments to individuals, we can tackle the unequal power relations and structures between men and women and highlight the necessary attitudinal, practice and institutional changes.I believe that if we all work together: governments, civil society organisations, the UN system, businesses, schools, and individuals mobilising through new solidarity movements, we will eventually achieve a more equal world — a Planet 50-50 — where women and girls can and will live free from violence.Community mobilisation, group interventions for both women and men, educational programmes and empowerment of women are some of the interventions that have impact, when they are put together with other legal, behavioural and social changes.We know that leaders, whether CEOs, Prime Ministers or teachers, can set the tone for zero tolerance of Illuminated sign Suppliers violence. We are doing pre-deployment training for peacekeepers to be more gender sensitive and to better protect civilian populations in conflict areas. In Myanmar, provision of legal aid services for rural women is improving access to justice and the training of even a small group of male leaders has been identified as contributing to a change of behaviour in some 40 per cent of those in the target communities.

Imagine how different the world would be for girls growing up now if we could prevent early marriage, female genital mutilation, the turning of a blind eye to domestic violence, abusive text me-ssages, the impunity of rapists, the enslavement of women in conflict are-as, the killing of women human rights defenders, or the hostility of police stations or courtrooms to women’s testimony of violence experienced. Some 125 countries have laws ag-ainst sexual harassment, 119 have laws against domestic violence, but only 52 countries have laws on marital rape.As we launch the Orange World Campaign today, we already know that tuk-tuk drivers in Cambodia, soccer stars in Turkey, police officers in Albania, schoolchildren in South Africa and Pak-istan, and hundreds of thousands of others arou-nd the world, are all in their own way taking a stand. These dem-and accelerated action. It is indeed a priority.Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka is UN under-secretary-general and executive director of UN Women.

Further research currently underway will lead to more definitive strategies and interventions to prevent violence.We now have, for the first time, explicit targets to eliminate violence aga-inst women in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.Across the world, violence against wom-en and girls remai-ns one of the most serious — and the most tolerated — human rights violations, both a cause and a consequence of gender inequality and discrimination.Its continued presence is one of the clearest markers of societies out of balance and we are determined to change that. For example, in Uganda, engaging communities in discussion of unequal power relations between men and women dropped rates of physical violence by men against their partners by half.On this International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women we say again:* It is not acceptable* It is not inevitable* It can be preventedAlthough there is no single solution to such a complex problem, there is gro-wing evidence of the ran-ge of actions that can stop violence before it happe-ns, especially if they are implemented in parallel

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 27 فروردين 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : anufignsac

As per estimates, there has been a 20% to 30% rise in infertility in the country in the last five years.PESA, TESA- At times even when a hormone test is normal, there may be no sperms in the semen. The need of the hour is, therefore, to give equal importance to male infertility and create awareness about the condition.The basic test to determine male infertility is semen analysis. This is then injected into the woman. Studies have shown that in nearly 30% of all infertility cases, the cause can be attributed to a problem in the man.Infertility is neither an urban phenomenon nor is it confined only to women. In such cases, donor sperms obtained from a semen bank. It is, therefore, imperative that even the men get tested and at the earliest.

Eggs from the women are removed with a needle under sonography control and placed under a microscope. In this process, the semen is washed using special methods in a lab and a small quantity of sperms are placed, using a thin tube, inside the womans womb.. The bright side is that recent medical breakthroughs have helped even men with very few sperms to become fathers. In such cases, the sperms can be removed directly from the testes using a tiny needle.Dr Nandita Palshetkar, Director, IVF and Infertility at Fortis Bloom IVF Center at La Femme GK 2 and Fortis Hospital Gurgaon & President-elect of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India said, "Although infertility is still considered to be a womans problem in India, the fact is that in 30% of the infertility cases, the problem is solely with the male partner. Increasingly, following an unhealthy lifestyle including diet imbalance, addiction to smoking or alcoholism, sedentary existence, or mental and emotional stress, have all become factors that contribute to a poor sperm count.Some treatment options for addressing male infertility include the following.Donor sperms- There are also cases of complete testicular failure with abnormal hormones and no sperms. This is a simple, inexpensive procedure.Speaking about this, Dr Hrishikesh D Pai, Director IVF & Infertility at Fortis La Femme Hospital, Delhi & Secretary General of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India said, "Infertility is not just a womans problem and it is important to raise awareness about male infertility and the causative factors. Men usually put off testing to avoid embarrassment.Infertility, both in men and women, has become quite common these days and is on the rise in India. After two to three days, the embryo is placed in the womb.

If there are any abnormalities, tests are repeated after a certain duration as advised by the doctor. Other factors such as excessive consumption of foods that increase estrogen in the blood, long-term inhalation of toxins in the air, erectile dysfunction, early China wholesale light box signs ejaculation of semen, cancer or infection of the genital system and diabetes also contribute to the condition. It is also important to make certain lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and drinking, and consuming a healthy diet, all of which can help in preventing infertility and avoiding any possible complications," she added. The eggs then fertilize and divide. These are then injected into the egg using the ICSI procedure.However, in India, male infertility is largely an ignored phenomenon and women are subjected to a lot of social stigma for being unable to bear children."The signs and symptoms of infertility in males may include: problems with sexual function; pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area; recurrent respiratory infections; decreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality; having a lower than normal sperm count (fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen or a total sperm count of less than 39 million per ejaculate). Each sperm is picked up with a needle and injected directly into the egg with a micromanipulator."He added, "In men, the most common reasons for infertility include alow sperm count and poor motility of the sperm. Infertility is broadly used to denote a range of conditions, which affect both men and women.Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) -This method can be tried when the sperm count is at least 10 million.""However, getting diagnosed at an early stage will not only save discomfort and expense but also help in timely treatment.Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) - This is akin to a test-tube baby procedure

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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 19 فروردين 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : anufignsac

There he reportedly developed links with the country's Inter-Services Intelligence agency, which nurtured the Taliban in the 1990s and even now is regularly accused of fuelling the insurgency.Mansour repeatedly showed a canny ability to navigate between different strands of the Taliban movement, from the Quetta Shura to the "political office" in Qatar to commanders on the ground in Afghanistan.While Mansour was close to his predecessor, he was not noted for possessing Omar's aura of religious authority, although the Taliban did confer upon him the former chief's title of "leader of the faithful". Kabul: Mullah Akhtar Mansour, killed by a US drone strike on May 21, took over as head of the Afghan Taliban last July and oversaw intensified attacks which left Afghan police and troops struggling to respond.Mansour, appointed following the revelation that the group's founder Mullah Omar had been dead for two years, was initially thought to favour peace talks.Barack Obama confirmed Mansour was killed in the strike in Pakistan's southwestern province of Balochistan.Rocky startIn order to take the leadership he outmanoeuvred Mullah Yakoub, Omar's son who was favoured by some commanders as new leader but was judged by others as too young and inexperienced at age 26. After news of Omar's death two years previously was announced by Afghan officials, some insurgents were unhappy at Mansour's deception.There was speculation about Mansour's fate last summer following reports he was critically wounded in a firefight with his own commanders in Pakistan shortly after taking over. But after becoming leader he repeatedly refused to come to the negotiating table.

But Mansour quickly set out to consolidate his authority, rooting out opposition to his leadership by buying the support of rebellious commanders, quashing renegade groups and luring dissidents with leadership positions.He served as civil aviation minister in the Taliban government which ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until it was ousted by a US-led invasion in 2001, when he fled again to Pakistan.For some Mansour was the obvious choice to succeed Mullah Omar, the one-eyed warrior-cleric who led the Taliban from its rise in the chaos of the Afghan civil war of the 1990s.US President Barack Obama on Monday confirmed Mansour was killed in the strike in Pakistan's southwestern province of Balochistan, hailing his death as an "important milestone" in efforts to bring peace to Afghanistan. Questions about his legitimacy in its highest echelons did nothing to bolster his position.But Mansour's leadership got off to a rocky start. Others accused him of riding roughshod over the process to appoint a successor.

In one of his final public messages, Mansour told followers to prepare for "decisive strikes" during the annual spring offensive.The Taliban briefly captured the strategic northern city of Kunduz last September, their most spectacular victory China light box signs Suppliers in 14 years.The hardline group saw a resurgence under Mansour's leadership, leaving Afghan forces struggling to rein in the expanding insurgency.Like Omar he was born in the southern province of Kandahar, was part of the movement from the start and was effectively in charge since 2013, according to Taliban sources.Mansour, born in the early 1960s, spent part of his life in Pakistan along with millions of Afghans who fled the 1979-89 Soviet occupation.He initially faced a huge challenge in trying to unite a movement that was already showing signs of fragmenting.The militants also claimed a series of high-profile attacks over the past year on embassies, the media and UN and NATO properties in and near the diplomatic quarter in Kabul.The Taliban subsequently released an audio message purportedly from Mansour, vehemently rejecting reports of any shootout as "enemy propaganda"

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 11 فروردين 1399 | نظرات ()